Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 15
Rendering and Compositing
Goals and overview
Lighting your shot fi les
Compositing for better, faster renders
Getting a good render on your local machine
Final animation review
Preparing for render farming
Setting up and using a render farm
Checking the fi nal frames
Staying organized
Shot fi les with fi nished animation.
Goals and Overview
Great fi nal frames versus faster render times . Mutually exclusive goals always make for good fun at parties.
More specifi cally, your goal as the art director of your animation is to produce fi nal frames that help to con-
vey the themes of the story. The images should have a good tonal range, good contrast, and an appropriate
color scheme. However, your goal as the technical director of the animation is to get the entire job rendered
and ready for editing as quickly as possible, with as few technical hurdles, glitches and do-overs as you can
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