Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
In this recipe, we will show you how to do the following tasks:
Configure Auto DOP with In-Memory Parallel Execution enabled
Identify SQL statements that take advantage of Auto DOP's In-Memory Parallel Query feature
using data from Oracle AWR
Compare query performance of In-Memory PX parallel queries vs. traditional parallel direct
reads with Smart Scan
Perform a simple test to measure the impact of In-Memory PX vs. Exadata Smart Scan with
concurrent query executions
First, enable Auto DOP by setting parallel_degree_policy =AUTO:
SQL> alter system set parallel_degree_policy=AUTO scope=both sid='*';
System altered.
Confirm that your database is ready for Auto DOP by checking your parallel query initialization parameters and
I/O calibration status using the script in Listing 21-13:
Listing 21-13. lst21-13-autodop-check.sql
SQL> select name,value,decode(value,'AUTO','Auto DOP is enabled',
'LIMITED','Auto DOP is implemented in limited fashion',
'MANUAL','Auto DOP is not implemented') descr
from v$parameter
where name='parallel_degree_policy'
Parameter Value Notes
------------------------ ------------ --------------------------
parallel_degree_policy AUTO Auto DOP is enabled
SQL> select a.ksppinm name, b.ksppstvl value
from x$ksppi a, x$ksppsv b
where a.indx = b.indx
and a.ksppinm in ('_parallel_cluster_cache_pct','_parallel_cluster_cache_policy','_parallel_
order by 1,2
Parameter Value
---------------------------------- ---------------
_parallel_cluster_cache_pct 80
_parallel_cluster_cache_policy CACHED
_parallel_statement_queuing TRUE
The preceding output shows us that Auto DOP is enabled because parallel_degree_policy = AUTO and
In-Memory PX are enabled because the underscore parameter _parallel_cluster_cache_policy is set to CACHED .
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