Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
Oracle's utility is used to generate server diagnostics and is installed in /opt/oracle.SupportTools on
every Exadata Compute Server and Storage Server. When logging Oracle Service Requests, it is common for Oracle
Support to request the output of the utility so it is important to know where the utility it is, how to run it,
and understand what it does.
On both compute servers and storage cells, generates the following output:
dmesg command, which contains kernel-level diagnostics from the kernel
The output of the
ring buffer
fdisk -l , which contains a list of all disk partitions
The output of
lspci , which contains a list of all PCI buses on the system
The output of
lsscsi , which contains a list of all SCSI drives on the system
The output of
MegaCli64 , which provides MegaRAID controller diagnostics
Various outputs of
ipmitool sel elist , which queries the ILOM interface for assorted sensor
readings for all IPMI enabled devices
The output from
A copy of
MegaSAS.log , which provides information about your SAS disks
In addition, when launched from an Exadata Storage Server, also collected the following information:
A file called
cellcli list cell detail
The output of
cellcli list celldisk detail
The output of
cellcli list lun detail
The output of
cellcli list physicaldisk detail
The output of
normal state
The output of all physical disks not in a
cellcli list griddisk detail
The output of
cellcli list flashcache detail
The output of
cellcli list alerthistory
The output of
alert.log , ms-odl.log , and ms-odl.trc files
A copy of your storage cell
/usr/bin/flash_dom -l
Information about your PCI flash modules, or FDOMs, by using the
/ , which provides details about your disk adapters
The output of
/deploy/scripts/unix/hwadapter/diskadp/ script
In short, generates a comprehensive set of diagnostics output, tailored to whether you run it from a
compute node or storage server.
Additional information about your disk devices from the
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