Biology Reference
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4. Review each probe on a 2 % SB-gel. This allows estimation of
the concentration of hybridized oligonucleotides (Fig. 2 ).
1. Digest 5-10
g plasmid DNA (pLKO1.puro/pLJM1) with
Age I and Eco RI.
2. Purify digested plasmid DNA using a gel extraction kit and
determine its concentration.
3. Combine 50-100 ng of vector with a three- to tenfold molar
excess ( see Note 8 ) of insert. The amount of insert can be cal-
culated using the following formula:
4.2 Ligation
size insert in bp ng vector
size vector in bp
ng insert
4. Plan control reactions: One reaction without insert and one
without enzyme.
Fig. 2 Hybridization effi ciency of oligonucleotides was analyzed by 2 % SB aga-
rose gel electrophoresis. The proportion of single versus double-stranded oligo-
nucleotides can be roughly estimated from the staining intensity or the
corresponding bands. Asterisk indicates double-stranded oligonucleotide; dou-
ble asterisk indicates single-stranded oligonucleotides; L 50-bp DNA ladder
(Invitrogen), C negative control (only sense oligonucleotide), 1 and 2 result of two
representative oligonucleotide hybridization experiments ( see Note 23 )
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