Biology Reference
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8. Trypsin-EDTA: 0,05 %: commercial source.
9. HEK 293T cells (ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA).
10. Sterile fi lters (0.45
11. 20 mL syringe.
Due to the differences in the cloning procedures required for
generation of pri-miR or sh-miR-expression vectors, experimental
details are given separately for both strategies whenever necessary.
3.1 Design of
Primers for
1. Pre-miRNA and fl anking sequences can be obtained from .
2. Design primers complementary to the ends of the pri-miR
region (pre-microRNA (60-70 nucleotides) and their fl anking
200-300 nucleotides) with the following features: Primer
length between 18 and 24 nucleotides. The primers should be
long enough to give a melting temperature ( T m ) of 55-60 °C.
T m s for both primers should be within 2 °C. The GC-content
should be 40-60 %. The 8 bases at the 3
end should preferably
have 5 or more As and Ts to prevent it from being sticky. The
end itself should be a G or C to improve the effi ciency of
priming. The second and third bases from the 3
end should be
As and/or Ts.
3. Primer pairs should be checked for complementarity at the
-end to reduce primer-dimer formation (no more than 3 to
max. 4 nt complementary to any primer sequence).
4. Extend the 5
-end (forward) primer with the Age I and the
-end (reverse) primer with the Eco RI recognition site.
5. To increase cleavage effi ciency, add 4 bases to the 5
-end of
each restriction site. This is necessary because restriction
enzymes cleave DNA much less effi cient towards the end of a
fragment. An example is shown below:
-Forward primer with Age I: 5
-Reverse primer with Eco RI: 5
3.2 Design of
Primers for sh-RNAs
1. Mature miRNA sequence can be obtained from http://www.
2. Design and synthesize two complementary single-stranded
oligonucleotides as illustrated in Fig. 1 ( see Note 5 ): The sense
strand oligo contains an Age I overhang (CCGG) at the 5
followed by the anti-mature-, loop-, and mature sequence and
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