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Fig. 3 Analysis of ligation product (pre-miRNA beacon) with 20 % gels.
( a ) Denaturing PAGE of ligation reaction with the mixed fragments ( 1 ) and the
ligation product ( 2 ). ( b ) Native PAGE of ligation without staining. FAM-36-mer ( 1 ),
DABCYL-36-mer ( 2 ), mixed fragments ( 3 ), ligation product ( 4 ). ( c ) Same as in
( b ) but stained with fl uorescent dye which detects ligation product ( 4 ) that is
3.3 Preparation
of Pre-miRNA Prior
to Fluorescence
1. Prior to use in the assay de- and renature labeled pre-miRNA
at a stock concentration of 200 nM in 1× Dicer buffer by heat-
ing for 2 min at 95 °C and cooling to room temperature (rt)
for over 30 min.
2. Test if Dicer can actually cleave prepared pre-miRNA beacon
( see Note 6 ).
1. For Dicer cleavage assay prepare reaction mixture in one well
in a 384-well microtiter plate on ice. Reaction mixture with
total volume of 40
3.4 Fluorescence
l per well contains 20 nM labeled pre-
miRNA, 1× Dicer reaction buffer, and 2.5 U/ml Dicer enzyme
or heat-denatured Dicer for negative control ( see Note 7 ).
2. Place the plate into plate reader, and measure fl uorescence
increase every 1-10 min for 4 h with ex = 491 nm, em = 520 nm,
and gain = 2,500 ( see Note 8 ).
3. Analyze fl uorescence increase from the slope of the linear
region that occurs in the range of 5-50 min (Fig. 4 ). For avoid-
ing false-positive results, do a control using RNase inhibitor
( see Note 9 ).
4. For testing of potential pre-miRNA binders (test substances)
combine 32
l of a 25 nM pre-miRNA solution in 1× Dicer
buffer with 4
l test substance in one well in a 384-well microti-
ter plate.
5. Cover with parafi lm, and incubate for 30 min at rt.
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