Biology Reference
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9. The amount of extract required may vary depending on the
luciferase expression level and the instrumentation used; the
amount used should be adjusted to keep the signal within the lin-
ear range of the assay.
10. At low pH the wavelength of emitted light from the FF reac-
tion is shifted to lower wavelengths.
11. Control of temperature is also important since the use of non-
equilibrated reagents directly from the refrigerator can cause a
5-10 % decrease in efficiency.
12. Depending on the luminometer used it might be necessary to
prime auto-injector systems with buffers. Calculate additional
volume of the buffers for this.
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6. Winter J, Jung S, Keller S et al (2009) Many roads
to maturity: microRNA biogenesis pathways and
their regulation. Nat Cell Biol 11:228-234
7. Zeng Y, Yi R, Cullen BR (2005) Recognition
and cleavage of primary microRNA precursors
by the nuclear processing enzyme Drosha.
EMBO J 24:138-148
8. Han J, Lee Y, Yeom K-H et al (2006) Molecular
basis for the recognition of primary microRNAs by
the Drosha-DGCR8 complex. Cell 125:887-901
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