Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 6
Embedded Rule-based Management for
Content-based DTNs
Jorge Visca, Guillermo Apollonia, Matias Richart,
Javier Baliosian, and Eduardo Gramp n
School of Engineering, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
f jvisca, gapollo, mrichart, javierba, grampin g
Abstract. Several countries such as Uruguay and Brazil are implementing
the well-known One Laptop Per Child Program (OLPC) by which every
child that attend to primary school obtains in property a laptop with wire-
less capabilities. They carry their laptops from home to school and back
every day and, as we observed in our research, they also carry their laptops
to parks, community centers etc. That provides a wide platform for oppor-
tunistic, delay tolerant, networking applications. This paper presents a low-
cost, delay-tolerant, network of sensors implemented embedding high-level
decision-making capabilities inside consumer-grade wireless routers working
together with the OLPC laptops. The sensors are deployed at the living
premises of children in environmentally vulnerable neighborhoods as well as
at their schools, parks, etc. The environmental data collected by the sensors
is carried to the school by the laptops and from the school to monitoring
stations over the Internet. In this system, all the entities in the network
are publishers and subscribers of conguration commands, policy-rules and
environmental data, building a exible, self-management solution.
Several countries such as Uruguay and Brazil are implementing the well-known One
Laptop Per Child Program (Plan Ceibal in Uruguay [4] and UCA in Brazil [6]) by
which every child that assists to the primary school obtains in property a laptop
with wireless capabilities. Besides carrying the laptops to school everyday, children
frequently keep the laptops with them when going to parks, community centers, etc.
This provides a wide platform for opportunistic networking applications. The basic
concept behind opportunistic networking is that, in the absence of a xed connectiv-
ity infrastructure, some data of interest (in our case, domestic environmental data)
is transferred between mobile devices using the \connection opportunity" that arise
whenever mobile devices happens to come into the range of other devices because
of the mobility of the devices' users.
The ongoing DEMOS project (Domestic Environment Monitoring with Oppor-
tunistic Sensor networks) is developing a low-cost platform for environmental sen-
sors, such as air-quality sensors, at the living premises of children in environmentally
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