Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
33. Strijkers, R.J.: The Network is in the Computer. Master Thesis.
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34. Fortz, B., Rexford, J., Thorup, M.: Traffic engineering with traditional IP
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35. Hellerstein, J.L., Diao, Y., Parekh, S., Tilbury, D.M.: Feedback Control of
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37. Wolfram Mathematica , accessed
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38. VMWare , accessed at 2 August 2007
39. OpenVPN , ac cessed at 14 August 2009
40. Cristea, M., de Bruijn, W., Bos, H.: FPL-3: towards language support for
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41. Linux Netfilter , accessed at 17 August 2009
42. Network Mapper , accessed at 7 April 2008
43. Thomas, D., Fowler, C., Hunt, A.: Programming Ruby. Pragmatic
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44. Strijkers, R., Muller, L., Cristea, M., Belleman, R., Laat, C.d., Sloot, P.,
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using a Multi-touch Surface. ICCS 2009. LNCS, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
45. Feitelson, D.G.: Distributed Hierarchical Control for Parallel Processing.
Computer 23 (1990) 65-77
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