Game Development Reference
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FIGURE 3.9 The finished hut—basic but serviceable. And it's spider proof. Although
there is a large gap above the door, in Minecraft's geometry the door fills the entire space.
Spiders are also two blocks wide, so they can't fit through a one-block-wide gap. You
could actually leave the door wide open, and spiders will just gather outside and make
horrible noises, but don't do that because it's an invitation for other mobs to enter.
Tip: No Housing Codes in Minecraft
The roof in Figure 3.9 rests right on the lip of the inner wall. You can't directly
build a roof like this from scratch. First place a block on top of the wall, and then
attach the inner block for the roof. Remove the first block, and the inner block
floats. Attach new blocks to that to build out the roof structure. It won't pass a
building inspection, but it certainly works in Minecraft.
Building a wall even two blocks high can take a little bit of fancy footwork. Some basic
techniques help:
Place your walls one layer at time. Put down the first layer, and then jump on top
to place the second.
If you fall off, place a temporary block on the inside of your structure against the
wall, and use this to climb back up. You can remove it when you're finished.
Use pillar jumping if you need to go higher. While looking directly down, press the
spacebar to jump and then right-click to place a block underneath you. You land on
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