Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Your location in blocks east of your original spawn point. Blocks west are
shown as a negative.
2. Your current vertical height in layers above bedrock.
3. Your location in blocks south of your original spawn point. Blocks north are
shown as a negative.
4. The current biome type.
FIGURE 3.3 The Debug HUD provides a lot of cryptic information but can also help you
navigate home.
When you need to return, and I should warn you that this can take some experimentation
and a little practice, turn and take a few steps while noting the change in values of your
current coordinates. Shift those x and z values back toward the coordinates you originally
recorded. You'll probably wander around a bit, but eventually you'll get there.
Improving Your Tools
Wooden tools wear out fast, so it's best to upgrade your kit as quickly as possible.
Each type of material has a different level of durability . Think of durability as the number
the inventory. I've included the durability in parentheses after each material's description:
Gold (33) —Although this is the least durable material, a gold pickaxe can break
blocks out of most softer materials in the blink of an eye, and it happens to be the
most enchantable material, so you can imbue it with superpowers (see Chapter 10 ) .
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