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Slumber with Lumber
Beds are great because they make a house a home. They lend an aesthetic a crafting table
and furnace can't really provide. But more than that, they serve a purpose that gets right
downtotheunderlyinggamemechanic. Abedprotectsyou.Itprovidesyouwithatimeout
through the night so you can skip to sunrise and get on with your day.
further out into the world, even covering vast distances, without starting at your point of
origin should you—and by should I mean will—die. However, note that if the last bed you
slept in is destroyed for any reason, your spawn point reverts back to your original point of
origin, so it pays to keep your bed safe.
Note: Time Is On Your Side
like typing the /time set day cheat code, causing an instant adjustment
in the game's clock but leaving everything else in the same state before
you actually went to sleep.
Tip: Spawn Point Cheat
Withcheatsenabled,type /spawnpoint toresettheworld'soriginalspawnpointto
your current position. If you die you'll pop up again nearby.
you can build shears for a more sheep-friendly experience, but for now, lamb skewers are
the only option.
If you've seen sheep nearby, take your sword in hand and have at them with a few left-
and you don't want to become lost as you give chase.
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