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Drag the completed furnace to one of your quick access slots and then place it with a right-
click next to your crafting table. It's torch time!
Let There Be Light
tile mobs at bay. Or, more specifically, it prevents them from spawning. There are certain
rules built into the software that prevent mobs from springing into existence close to you,
no matter the light level, but they also can't spawn anywhere near light. So as you expand
your shelter, mine, and explore, the judicious placement of torches keeps the coast some-
what clear. Besides that, torches add that much-needed ambient touch to any home.
Right-click on your furnace. You see your inventory screen again, shown in Figure 2.10 ,
but this time with a crafting grid containing just two slots. The lower slot holds the com-
bustible to power the furnace, while the upper holds the object you are smelting. Place a
couple of blocks of wood in each of the lower and upper slots to start making charcoal, as
shown. You'll soon see the charcoal pop into the output grid. Each chunk of charcoal can
make four torches.
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