Game Development Reference
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drop them into any of the four squares in the Crafting section. Bingo! A stack of
four wood planks shows up in the output square to the right.
3. Click the stack of planks in the output square three times more to create a total of
16 planks.
4. Click to pick up any unused blocks left in the crafting grid and click on an empty
storage slot to move them back out of the crafting grid.
5. Click on the planks in the output square to pick up the entire stack, and right-click
once on each of the four squares in the crafting area. Well done! You've just cre-
ated your first crafting table.
6. Click on an empty storage slot to move your unused planks back there.
7. Finally, click to pick up the crafting table and move it to one of the empty quick
access slots that run along the lower edge of the inventory window.
Caution: Mobs Can Strike Even With Inventory Open
Don't walk away with your inventory screen open, thinking you've
paused the game. Time still passes, night still falls, and you're still just
dow. Remember to use the Esc key to really pause the game if you need
to duck away for a while.
Okay, now the fun really begins. Let's place the crafting table and build some tools!
ber key that corresponds to the crafting table's quick access slot. For example, if the table
is in the third slot from the left, press 3 to select it directly. Now look for a clear space to
putthetable,pointyourcrosshairsdown,andright-click.Youcanseeanexamplein Figure
2.4 .
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