Game Development Reference
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gers can then turn into zombie villagers, increasing the havoc (see Figure 11.2 ) .
Cure a zombie villager by throwing a weakness potion at them, followed by a
golden apple, and try to keep them segregated because the cure takes a few
minutes to complete. Fortunately, as night falls you'll see most villagers scurry for
cover to their favored village building. They'll also do this if it starts to rain. Iron
golems fight the good fight by attacking zombies, and they get rid of them very
quickly, but iron golems only spawn in villages with a population of 10 villagers
and at least 21 houses (although really you just need doors, not complete houses,
as described earlier). That's another good reason to increase the population!
FIGURE 11.2 Zombies can spawn in and around a village at night in large numbers, res-
ulting in scenes like that shown here—a zombie siege in full swing!
Tip: Sleep Through the Siege
Beds don't occur naturally in villages, but if you place one and ensure you sleep
through the night, you'll spare your villagers from a zombie siege. It's a neat way
to keep zombie infections to a minimum.
Villagers trade goods, and this is the real reason for a village's usefulness. Look for
a trade where you can obtain emeralds by harvesting wheat, and then use the emer-
alds to pay for other types of items or services. Talk to as many villages as you can
to find the best trade. Some offer rare Minecraft items such as saddles and horse
armor. You can also deconstruct bookshelves in a library to obtain topics, and you
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