Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 11.1 Villages spawn with a varying number of buildings and inhabitants. This
one is located in a plains biome.
Villages add a useful dynamic to the game. They're not essential, and you can get by just
fine without them, but knowing how to make use of them will help.
Here are the essentials:
Villages can appear in almost any form from a single dwelling (or even just a sad
lonely well) to a dozen buildings or more. The buildings are any of 10 different
designs from small huts to large taverns and churches.
Your interaction with the village's inhabitants affects your popularity within that
village, and attacking a few—or, even worse, killing them—can result in your be-
ing attacked by an iron golem, although golems only appear in larger villages. Vil-
lagers won't attack you back, no matter how mean you are to them.
Villagers manage their population by producing children. As long as two adult vil-
lagers are present, you can increase the population and therefore the trading oppor-
tunities by adding doors to any structure, where one side of the door is in a clear
space able to receive sunlight. The most efficient method is to add numerous doors
side by side to a simple box structure. (The formula built into the software results
in one villager per 3.5 doors.)
Villages are a lodestone for zombies, resulting in a possible zombie siege where
hordes of zombies swarm the village at night. The zombies spawn anywhere in the
village itself, including inside rooms, and attack any villagers present. Dead villa-
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