Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
FIGURE 10.9 Nether wart growing in soul sand at the foot of a Nether fortress's stair-
The other elusive component is the blaze rod, required for creating the brewing apparatus.
Obtain this by defeating a blaze, one of the hostiles that inhabit nether fortresses. This, ad-
mittedly, is something of a challenge. You won't do it in five minutes. I've written Chapter
12 tohelpyouprepareforthatjourney,handlethehostiles,andgetyouhomeinatleastone
a range of protection enchantments (fire protection is vital), and try to get an enchantment
of feather falling on your boots. An unbreaking enchantment on tools will save you some
trips back to the Overworld until you've had time to create a well-stocked Nether-base.
Head over to Chapter 12 now, and come back when you have a blaze rod, Nether wart, and
soul sand. You'll also need some glass blocks (smelted from sand) and a supply of water,
although even a single block of water will fill an endless number of bottles. Figure 10.10
shows my own brewing chamber.
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