Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Although there are still some independent, newsreader-based discussion groups out
there, the majority of the AutoCAD action nowadays happens on Autodesk's own moder-
ated discussion groups. These are user-to-user groups, but even so, you frequently see
Autodesk employees jumping in to answer questions in their areas of expertise — some-
times on their own time!
To see what's there, point your browser to . There are
product-based discussion groups for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.
Autodesk's Own Bloggers
Several of Autodesk's employees run their own blogs through the company's servers,
and they're chockablock with tips, techniques, and some occasionally highly entertain-
ing digressions. For a list of all Autodesk's blogs, go to . The
AutoCAD-based blogs I highly recommend are Shaan Hurley's Between the Lines, Heidi
Hewitt's AutoCAD Insider, Kate Morrical's LT Unlimited, and Lynn Allen's Blog (that's
what it's called, honest!).
Autodesk University
Autodesk University is an annual event, sponsored by Autodesk, that usually runs for
three or four days around the end of November. For the last few years, the event has
settled in Las Vegas, Nevada. The days are filled with educational sessions in a dozen or
more different disciplines, and the nights are filled with socializing and taking in the loc-
al attractions. Check out to find out how to schmooze like a pro
and come home a guru!
The Autodesk Channel on YouTube
If you use Google to search the Web for solutions to particular AutoCAD issues, it's
pretty likely you've already discovered YouTube's Autodesk Channel. There are dozens
and dozens of video clips here that cover not only AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT, but other
Autodesk products like Inventor and Revit. You can subscribe and receive e-mail notific-
ations of new videos every couple of weeks. Check it out at .
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