Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
You can use the Block Attribute Manager to reorder the attribute definitions
in a block definition. Choose Attribute, Block Attribute Manager on the Home tab's
Block panel slideout. You also can use this dialog box to edit other attribute defin-
ition settings, such as the prompt, text style, or layer.
Inserting blocks that contain attribute definitions
After you create a block definition that contains attribute definitions, you insert it just
like any other block. Follow the steps in the section “Inserting blocks” earlier in this
chapter. At the end of the steps, AutoCAD displays the Edit Attributes dialog box, as
shown in Figure 17-5. The dialog box contains one row for each of the attribute defini-
tions and has any default values filled in. You simply edit the values and then click OK.
Figure 17-5: The Edit Attributes dialog box.
The ATTDIA (ATTribute DIAlog box) system variable controls whether
AutoCAD prompts for attribute values in a dialog box (ATTDIA=1) or at the com-
mand line (ATTDIA=0). If you insert a block and see command-line prompts for
each attribute value, type a value and press Enter for each attribute value you
want to set. When you return to the command prompt, type ATTDIA , press Enter,
type 1 , and press Enter again. When you insert blocks with attributes into this
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