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When you create multiline text in either AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, your
text objects default to Dynamic Column mode. You can tell that's what you're go-
ing to get if the In-Place Text Editor displays a double-headed-arrow symbol in the
center of the bottom border of the rectangle you define (refer to Figure 13-4). This
is a useful default if you really are writing a novel, but for most drawing notations,
I recommend you turn off columns. To do so, click Columns on the Text Editor
panel (or the Text Editing toolbar if that's your preference) and choose No
Columns. Setting the system variable MTEXTCOLUMN to 0 will force the MTEXT
command to create non-columnized text.
8. Verify the text font and height.
The text font and height should be right if you correctly performed Steps 1, 4, and
5. If not, you can change these settings in the Font drop-down list and the Text
Height text box on the Text Editor tab (or the classic Text Formatting toolbar).
Figure 13-4: Adding immortal multiline text.
9. Type text into the text area of the In-Place Text Editor.
AutoCAD word-wraps multiline text automatically. If you want to force a line break
at a particular location, press Enter.
10. If you want other formatting options, select text, right-click, and make an appro-
priate choice from the menu (as shown in Figure 13-5).
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