Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
As you're figuring out where things are hiding in the AutoCAD 2012 Ribbon,
remember that the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts — Ctrl+X (cut), Ctrl+C
(copy), and Ctrl+V (paste) — are still available and are often the most efficient
way of using the Windows Clipboard — even after you've found the Clipboard pan-
Table 11-2 summarizes AutoCAD's most important Clipboard-related commands, along
with the equivalent choices on the right-click menu and Ribbon's Clipboard panel. (The
classic Standard toolbar buttons' tooltips display the same names.)
The STRETCH command is superficially similar to COPY and MOVE; it has the same in-
scrutable base point and displacement prompts, and it shifts objects — or parts of ob-
jects — to other locations in the drawing. But it also has important differences that of-
ten confound new AutoCAD users to the point that they give up trying to figure out how
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