Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Dangerous Curves Ahead
In This Chapter
Rounding the curves with circles, arcs, splines, and clouds
Dabbling in ellipses
Dunking for donuts
Making your points
Although straight-line segments predominate in many CAD drawings, even the most hum-
drum, rectilinear design is likely to have a few curves. And if you're drawing Audi car bod-
ies or Gaudí buildings, your drawings are going to contain a lot of curves! Your drawings
should also have a point; in fact, they may have several points, so at the end of this
chapter, I fill you in on creating point objects in AutoCAD. But to begin, I show you how to
use the following AutoCAD curve-drawing commands:
CIRCLE: Draws circles. (You were expecting hyperbolic paraboloids, maybe?)
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