Graphics Programs Reference
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colored differently, so they're at least a little easier to distinguish in the drawing it-
In this section, you use the regular Object Snap button that shows the square with the
sunburst at the top-left corner, not the 3D-looking box with the sunburst at the bottom-
left corner.
Grabbing points with object snap overrides
Here's how you draw precise lines by using object snap overrides:
1. Open a drawing containing some geometry.
2. Turn off running object snap mode by clicking the Object Snap button on
the status bar until the button appears to be dimmed and <Osnap off> appears in
the command window.
Although you can use object-snap overrides while running object snaps
are enabled, I recommend that you turn off any running object snaps while you're
getting familiar with object snap overrides. After you've got the hang of each fea-
ture separately, you can use them together.
3. Start the LINE command by clicking the Line button on the Ribbon's Draw panel
or typing LINE (or L ) and pressing Enter.
AutoCAD prompts you to select the starting point of the line:
Specify first point:
4. Hold down the Shift key, right-click anywhere in the drawing area, and release
the Shift key.
The Object Snap menu appears, as shown in Figure 7-3.
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