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that are closed but not so tightly it reaches
several units, and in open greenhouses, 10
or more. The external wind has a large influ-
ence, as well as the temperature differences
between inside and outside and, therefore,
pressure differences.
In a first approach, the leakage losses can
be estimated with the equation (Bordes, 1992):
For an approximate calculation of the
heating, a simplified energy equation may
be applied, for the night when the require-
ments are higher ( R s = 0), resulting in:
Heating = Overall losses + Air renewal
Q c = K ( T i T e ) × S c + m × C p ( T i T e )
Q ren = 0.35 × R × V ( T e - T i )
R = Air exchange rate (h −1 )
V = Greenhouse volume (m 3 )
Q ren = in watts (W)
Specific heat of a body
The specific heat of a body is the amount
of energy that must be supplied to 1 kg of
this body to increase its temperature
by 1°C.
The specific heat of water (at 15°C) is
4.186 kJ kg −1 °C −1 and the specific heat of dry
air (at 20°C) is 1 kJ kg −1 °C −1 .
Energy balance
Assuming, in a simplified way, that the solar
energy that enters the greenhouse is used only
to heat the greenhouse and for evapotranspir-
ation (neglecting the energy used for photo-
synthesis, among other simplifications) the
instantaneous energy balance would be,
approximately (Montero et al ., 1998):
Solar radiation - Evapotranspiration
Latent heat of vaporization
The latent heat of vaporization for a liquid
is the amount of energy that must be sup-
plied to 1 kg of this liquid to convert it from
liquid to gas.
The latent heat of vaporization of water
(at 20°C) is 2445 kJ kg −1 .
+ Heating = Overall losses
+ Air renewals
S s × t × R s (1 − t ) + Q c = K ( T i T e )
× S c + m × C p ( T i T e )
S s = Soil surface (m 2 )
t = Greenhouse transmissivity to solar radi-
ation (expressed as a decimal per unit)
R s = Instantaneous external solar radiation
(W m −2 ), or irradiance
t = Proportion of radiation used for transpi-
ration (expressed as a decimal per unit)
Q c = Heat supplied by the heating system
per time unit (W)
K = Global heat transfer coefficient (W
m −2 °C −1 )
T i = Greenhouse (internal) air temperature (°C)
T e = External air temperature (°C)
S c = Greenhouse cover area (roof and side-
walls; m 2 )
m = Air mass renewed by ventilation or
infiltration (kg s −1 )
C p = Air specific heat (J kg −1 °C −1 )
This equation is only approximate, for
standard conditions (in the measurement
of K ) and with the mentioned exceptions.
Global heat transfer coefficient
The global heat transfer coefficient of a
( K )
(Papadakis et al ., 2000):
11 j
hh k
K = Global heat transfer coefficient of a
greenhouse covering material (W m −2 °C −1 )
h i = Convection heat transfer coefficient
between the inner side of the greenhouse
cover and the internal air (W m −2 cover °C −1 )
h e = Convection heat transfer coefficient
between the outer side of the greenhouse
cover and the external air (W m −2 cover °C −1 )
d j = Thickness of the element j of the green-
house covering material (m)
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