Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Transpiration requires energy for the
(i) When to irrigate?; and (ii) How much
water to apply?
The usual methods to schedule drip
water evaporation process, which
mainly comes from the sun. Greenhouse
heating also contributes to the evapora-
tion process.
The maximum transpiration values
irrigation in greenhouse soil-grown
crops are: (i) methods based on climate
parameters to estimate the ET of the
crop; (ii) methods based on soil para-
meters (tensiometers mainly); and
(iii) methods based on plant parameters
(seldom used).
For soilless crops, the most usual meth-
in greenhouse tomatoes in the
Mediterranean area are of the order of
6 mm day −1 , although hourly rates of
1-1.5 mm may be possible.
Soil water relations are characterized
by its water retention capacity and by
its water potential (energy status of the
water in the soil).
The water content in the soil is usually
ods are: (i) methods based on climate
parameters to estimate transpiration;
and (ii) methods based on substrate
parameters (tensiometers, level sensors,
weighing devices).
The different irrigation scheduling
quantified by its moisture content
(gravimetric or volumetric), by the read-
ily available water and by its matrix
potential or matrix tension.
The most usual sensors used to meas-
methods, in both soil- and soilless-
grown crops, can be complementary.
ure the water in the soil are tensio-
meters, which measure the matrix
tension (absolute value of the matrix
potential) in the soil.
Characterization of the water status of
defines the production (photosyn-
thetic, biological or economic) per
water unit (transpired, evapotranspi-
ration or applied).
In greenhouses, the WUE is, at least,
the plant (using methods based on
measurements of the size of plant
organs, of the sap flux, plant tempera-
ture, etc.) for irrigation scheduling is
not common in practice.
The guidelines to evaluate the irriga-
double or triple that of the open
Fertilization of horticultural crops
must be based on replenishing the
nutrient taken up by the crop, cor-
rected as a function of the application
efficiency, and avoiding excessive sup-
plies that can generate aquifer contam-
ination by leached nutrients and soil
The salinity tolerance level of vegetable
tion water quality are based on its
electric conductivity (EC), which
depends on its dissolved salts con-
tent, and the SAR (sodium absorption
ratio) (Table 11.9). Both indexes quan-
tify the capacity of salination (EC) or
alkalization (SAR) of the irrigation
When a plant suffers water deficit or
crops involves a decrease in yield when
the tolerance thresholds are exceeded,
in the water or in the soil.
Fertigation, joint application of irriga-
stress its growth slows down, possibly
negatively affecting the yield, if the def-
icit is sufficient.
Nowadays, the most common green-
tion water and fertilizers (dissolved
in the irrigation water), is compulsory
if localized irrigation systems are
Irrigation of soilless crops requires
house irrigation systems are the high-
frequency localized irrigation (HFLI)
systems (drip and similar), which
require different management to that of
conventional irrigation systems.
Irrigation scheduling involves giving
special management: supplying an
excess of 20-30% of water, and, try-
ing to maintain pre-fixed values of EC
and pH in the nutrient solution. The
analysis of the drainage solution (EC
and composition) allows for adjusting
a response to two basic questions:
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