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Database privileges apply to all tables in a given database.
Table privileges apply to all columns in a given table.
Column privileges apply to single columns in a given table.
Generally, you need to worry about only global or database privileges, and in most cases it is sufficient
to assign privileges at one of these levels. Your major aim should be to assign the privileges at the
highest level possible so that you save administration time. However, you do have the power to restrict
access or to grant access to some critical columns or tables.
Next, we will talk about the management of user roles.
User Roles
Most database management systems support user roles , which are simply a grouping of user privileges.
User roles are a neat administrative feature that saves time for the database administrator. The concept
of roles is similar to that of groups. Just as groups can contain other groups, roles can contain other
roles. Thus, a typical scenario where you would use all these concepts of users, groups, privileges, and
roles can be explained as follows.
Putting It All Together
Imagine that Company A has 100 employees, five of which make up the management team, with
access to all the information in the database. Another five make up the finance department, with access
to all financial information. The remaining 90 are normal employees, with no specific access to the
database except for their individual employee records.
For our example, assume a very simple database model, with the three following tables:
The management team has access to all the data (that is all the tables), the finance team has access to
FINANCE_DATA and EMPLOYEE_DATA, and the employees can only view the EMPLOYEE_DATA.
How would you organize this data using groups and roles? In this scenario, one solution is to follow
these steps:
1. Create the 100 users in the database with the following syntax:
2. CREATE USER user1 with password 'temppassword'
CREATE USER user2 with password 'tempassword'
3. Create a MANAGEMENT group, and assign the five employees who are part of the management
team of the company to that group:
CREATE GROUP MANAGEMENT USERS user1, user2, user3, user4, user5
4. Create a FINANCE group, and assign the five employees who are part of the finance team to that
CREATE GROUP FINANCE USERS user6, user7, user8, user9, user10
5. Create an EMPLOYEES group, and assign all the users to this group:
CREATE GROUP EMPLOYEES USERS user11, user12, user3, .. user100
6. Create an EMPLOYEE_ACCESS role, and assign the SELECT privilege for the EMPLOYEE_DATA
table to the role:
7. Assign the role to the EMPLOYEES group:
10. Similarily, create a FINANCE_ACCESS role, and assign SELECT and UPDATE privileges for the
EMPLOYEE_DATA and FINANCE_DATA Table to the role:
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