Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part VI: Database Administration
Chapter List
Chapter 24 : User Management and Database Security
Chapter 25 : Tuning for Performance
Part Overview
Part VI covers database-administration issues such as user management, security, and tuning.
Although these issues may lack the glamour of creating, updating, and querying a database, they are
nevertheless an important part of a practical application.
Good user management is one of the keys to database integrity. Understanding how and when to
assign privileges to a user can make all the difference in avoiding accidental wipeouts of valuable
databases and securing sensitive information from the prowling eyes.
Database tuning is the key to achieving great performance from a database-driven application. Badly
written statements and poorly designed queries can bring an application to its knees. The correct use of
indexes can make a huge difference to response times, and misusing them can make updates
incredibly slow. The use of joins and views can also help speed the execution of a query. Finally,
denormalization of the database is another key technique widely used to improve database
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