Java Reference
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table 'ADDRESS_INFO', column 'id'.
Database-Specific Integrity Rules
Database-specific integrity rules are all other integrity constraints on a specific
database. They are handled by the business logic of the application. In the case of
the LEDES application discussed in this chapter, they include the following:
The extensive use of lookup tables to manage such matters as billing and discount schedules
Validation rules on time captured by employees of the law firm
Many of the integrity constraints can be handled by SQL Triggers , but some are be
handled by the Java business logic. Triggers are SQL procedures triggered by events
such as insertions or changes to the database.
Triggers are discussed in Chapter 3 .
This chapter has illustrated a common-sense application of the normal forms to the
design of a database. The main topics covered are the following:
Using primary and foreign keys to link tables
Applying the normalization rules
Explaining general and database-specific integrity rules
Chapter 3 presents an overview of the SQL language, which you use to work with
your relational database.
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