Java Reference
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return xmlDoc;
// create an XML Document with the specified root tag
private Document createXmlDoc(String rootTag){
xmlDoc = new DocumentImpl();
Element root = (Element)xmlDoc.createElement(rootTag);
xmlDoc.appendChild (root);
return xmlDoc;
// methods to return an XMLStatement
public Statement createStatement(){
return new XMLStatement(xmlDoc);
public XMLStatement createStatement(URL url){
return new XMLStatement(xmlDoc);
In addition to connecting to a data source, the Connection object is also responsible for returning a
Statement object when its createStatement() method is called. The createStatement()
method creates a new Statement object, passing it the DOM document contained in the Connection .
The XMLStatement class
The java.sql.Statement object acts as a top-level command interpreter for execute() and
executeQuery() methods. In this implementation, the simpler CREATE and INSERT commands are
handled locally, and queries are handled by an XMLQuery object.
The primary methods of the Statement object are:
public ResultSet executeQuery(String sqlQuery) - executeQuery() creates a
new XMLQuery object, using it to process the SQL query. The XMLQuery object is illustrated in
Listing 19-10 .
public int executeUpdate(String sqlString) - executeUpdate() creates a new
XMLCommand object, passing it to either the createTable() method or the insert() method.
private boolean createTable(XMLCommand sql) - createTable() uses
the splitColumns() method of XMLCommand to return the column list as a Vector of
columns, which it then uses to create the table. The table is defined in the Vectors
columnNameVector and columnTypeVector .
private boolean insert(XMLCommand sql) - insert() uses columnNameVector
and columnTypeVector to create an XML element for each data field, nesting them inside a row
element representing the inserted row.
Note the reference to a custom data type: ATTRIBUTE , which specifies that the data be added as an
attribute. The XMLStatement object handles SQL INSERT commands in one of two ways. If the data
type is ATTRIBUTE , the data String is inserted into the XML element as an attribute. Otherwise, it is
appended as an element. Listing 19-5 shows the code for the XMLStatement object.
Listing 19-5: XMLStatement class
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