Java Reference
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System.out.println("cursor moved to row "+rowSet.getRow());
}catch(Exception e){
One of the neatest features of RowSets is that, in addition to using them like ResultSets , as
discussed in this section, you can also use them as data containers disconnected from the database.
The use of disconnected RowSets is discussed in the next section .
Disconnected RowSets
As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, there are two main types of RowSets : connected and
disconnected. Connected RowSets maintain a connection for as long as the RowSet is in use.
Disconnected RowSets get a connection to a data source as needed.
Sun released a number of RowSet implementations as an early access release. These implementations
include the following:
The CachedRowSet is a disconnected RowSet , intended for use as a means of caching a ResultSet
object's rows in memory, so it doesn't require the continuous use of a database connection. All
CachedRowSets are scrollable and updatable, and, just like any other JavaBean, they can be
serialized. This provides a means of serializing ResultSets and sending them to remote clients to be
updated and sent back to the server.
Being disconnected means that a CachedRowSet connects to its data source only while it is reading
data to load rows and while it is sending changes back to its underlying database. The rest of the time, it
is disconnected, even while changes are being made to it. In effect, a CachedRowSet object can be
thought of as simply a disconnected set of rows cached in a JavaBean.
Being thin and serializable, a CachedRowSet can easily be sent across a wire, and it is well suited to
sending data to a thin client, such as a PDA, because, while a CachedRowSet object is disconnected,
it can be much leaner than a ResultSet object with the same data. The CachedRowSet class
provides a means of working with the rows of a ResultSet without the overhead associated with using
the full JDBC API.
Updating a CachedRowSet object is similar to updating a JDBCRowSet , but because the rowset is not
connected to its data source while it is being updated, one extra step is required to make a change in
the underlying data source. After calling the method updateRow() or insertRow() , a
CachedRowSet object must also call the method acceptChanges() in order to make a connection
and write the updates to the data source.
The Sun implementation of the CachedRowSet also requires that you specifically set the name of the
table you are working with. If you fail to do this, any attempts to update the table will throw a SQL
After making changes to a CachedRowSet using updateRow() or insertRow() , you
must also call acceptChanges() to make a connection and write the updates to the
data source. When you are changing or inserting several rows, you need only call
acceptChanges() once after all calls to updateRow() and insertRow() have been
Using a CachedRowSet with a PDA
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