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<OPTION value=WI>Wisconsin</OPTION>
<OPTION value=WV>West Virginia</OPTION>
<OPTION value=WY>Wyoming</OPTION>
<OPTION value=YK>Yukon</OPTION>
<TD height=49 vAlign=bottom width=158>
Zip/Postal code<BR><INPUT name=Zip size=15>
<TD align=center>
<INPUT name=SubmitButton type=SUBMIT value="Click here to
After local validation by the JavaScript, the form data is passed to the JSP page ProcessNAForm.jsp ,
which uses the ProcessNABean to insert the form data into the database. ProcessNAForm.jsp is a
simple example of a JSP form handler. It loads the ProcessNABean and sets its properties using the
wild card property setter that relies on introspection to set all the properties of the JavaBean from the
form data. When the insertData() method is called, ProcessNABean returns a boolean which is
used to set the String nextPage to the appropriate handler. Finally, the <jsp:forward> tag is
used to forward the user to the appropriate page. Listing 13-6 shows the JSP page.
Listing 13-6: ProcessNAForm.jsp
<%@ page language="java"%>
<jsp:useBean id="ProcessNABean"
class="JavaDatabaseBible.ch13.ProcessNABean" scope="session"/>
<jsp:setProperty name="ProcessNABean" property="*"/>
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