Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Part III: A Three-Tier Web Site with
Chapter List
Chapter 11 : Building a Membership Web Site
Chapter 12 : Using JDBC DataSources with Servlets and JavaServer Pages
Chapter 13 : Using PreparedStatements and CallableStatements
Chapter 14 : Using Blobs and Clobs to Manage Images and Documents
Chapter 15 : Using JSPs, XSL, and Scrollable ResultSets to Display Data
Chapter 16 : Using the JavaMail API with JDBC
Part Overview
A significant part of Java's success has been its application to server-side programming. One of the
most widespread applications of Java is the creation of dynamic Web sites using servlets, JSPs, and
databases. This part discusses the JDBC Extension API in the context of developing a membership-
based Web application.
The Web application employs a three-tier architecture built around an Apache/Tomcat-based Web
server that implements the business logic in Servlets and Java Server Pages. The Web server uses
JDBC to connect to a database server.
Since this part deals with Web applications, it includes an introduction to using Servlets and Java Server
Pages. Basic handling of HTML forms is also discussed.
More advanced form handling using PreparedStatements and CallableStatements is discussed
in a subsequent chapter. This chapter also discusses how to create stored procedures in SQL.
A relatively new feature in most databases is support for large objects such as images and entire
documents. Examples of uploading and storing image files as binary large objects, and downloading
them for display, are the subjects of another chapter.
In addition to discussing straightforward HTML applications, the possibilities of retrieving data as XML
are discussed. Examples illustrate how to use the same XML document to create two completely
different Web pages using an XSL transformation. This example also illustrates the use of scrollable
This part closes with a chapter on writing an e-mail application. The application uses JDBC and SQL
with the JavaMail API to automate e-mail generation and to read and save e-mail to a database.
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