Java Reference
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WHERE Last_Name = 'Corleone'
Sorting on multiple columns is also easy to do by using a sort list. For example, to sort the data in
ascending order based on Last_Name and then sort duplicates using the First_Name in descending
order, the sort list is as follows:
ORDER BY Last_Name, First_Name DESC;
The entire SQL statement to sort the data in ascending order based on Last_Name and then sort
duplicates using the First_Name in descending order is shown below .
SELECT First_Name, MI, Last_Name, Street, City, State, Zip
ORDER BY Last_Name, First_Name DESC;
When no ORDER BY clause is used, the order of the output of a query is undefined.
These are the rules for using ORDER BY :
ORDER BY must be the last clause in the SELECT statement.
Default sort order is ascending.
You can specify ascending order with the keyword ASC.
You can specify descending order with the keyword DESC.
You can use column names or expressions in the ORDER BY clause.
The column names in the ORDER BY clause do not have to be specified in the select list.
NULLS usually occur first in the sort order.
The DatabaseMetaData object provides a number of methods:
boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart()
boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd()
These methods can be used to determine the sort order for NULLs when in doubt.
Another common reporting requirement is to break down the data a query returns into various groups
so that the data can be analyzed in some way. The GROUP BY clause, discussed in the next section ,
enables you to combine database records to perform calculations such as averages or counts on
groups of records.
The GROUP BY Clause
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