Java Reference
In-Depth Information
that you need to use the executeQuery() method of the Statement object rather than the
execute() method when you expect a ResultSet to be returned. Initially, the ResultSet 's cursor
is positioned before the first row of the returned data, so you need to execute the
method to point the cursor to the first row.
The method returns a boolean false if it advances the cursor beyond the end
of the ResultSet. This makes it suitable as the basis of a WHILE loop to loop through the entire
ResultSet , as shown here in Listing 7-1 . Listing 7-1 also shows the use of ResultSetMetaData to
get the number of columns in the ResultSet .
ResultSet columns count from 1, not from 0, so an exception will be thrown if you
forget this and try to use a loop which counts columns from column 0.
The next section continues the development of the JDBC Swing example started in Chapters 5 and 6 ,
adding the capability to execute queries.
A Swing-Based SQL Query Pane
To illustrate the topics covered in this chapter, the Swing-based Table Builder will be extended by the
addition of a Query Pane (see Figure 7-7 ). The Query Pane is based on components you built in
Chapter 5 . You will add a new View Menu to allow us to display the Query Pane, and a new
JInternalFrame for handling the Queries.
Figure 7-7: SQL Query Pane
The View Menu
The View menu extends the DBMenu class, adding DBMenuItems for the ResultSet that you are
working with in this chapter. Listing 7-2 shows the necessary code.
Listing 7-2: View menu with ResultSet item
package jdbc_bible.part2;
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