Java Reference
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Figure 7-1: Subquery using ALL
When creating a subquery, the entire subquery should be enclosed in parentheses.
Using the IN and NOT IN Predicates
The IN predicate is used to retrieve the records in the main query that have a matching record in the
data set returned by the subquery. This usage is similar to the simple SELECT used with an IN list, as
shown here:
In this example, the query returns all Customers where the State field is listed in the parenthesized IN
list, or, in other words, where the State field equals either NY or NJ.
The example shown in Figure 7-2 returns all items from the Inventory table whose item numbers can
be found in the Ordered_Items table, with Order_Number = 2.
Figure 7-2: Subquery using IN
The NOT IN predicate, of course, reverses the selection.
You can only specify one SELECT list item when using the IN predicate, since the list is
returned for comparison with a single item.
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