Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The INSERT statement illustrated in the example of Listing 6-1 is primarily intended for inserting
records into a table one at a time. For applications such as storing information from membership
applications or entering employee records, this is the perfect solution. However, there are times when
you want to copy subsets of data from one table to another. On these occasions, doing the transfer
one record at a time introduces a lot of overhead because each record has to be individually retrieved
from one table and inserted into another other.
SQL allows you to handle these situations by combining the INSERT command with a SELECT
command, which queries the database for the desired records. The advantage of this approach is that
the whole process is carried out within the RDBMS, avoiding the overhead of retrieving records and
reinserting them externally.
The SELECT statement
The SELECT statement is used to query the database for specific rows. This is the basic form of the
SELECT statement:
Field1, Field2, ...
[ WHERE ... ];
In place of a comma-delimited list of field names, you can supply the asterisk wildcard character, *, to
request all fields:
SELECT * FROM TableName;
The SELECT statement is discussed in detail in Chapter 7 .
An example of a situation where you might use INSERT...SELECT is the creation of a table
containing only the first and last names from the Contact_Info Table. As illustrated in Chapter 5 , the
SQL command to create the table is as follows:
(First_Name VARCHAR(20), Last_Name LName VARCHAR(30));
To insert the corresponding data from the original Contact_Info Table, use a SQL INSERT...SELECT
command to select the desired fields from the Contact_Info Table, and insert them into the new Names
Table. Here's an example:
SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM Contact_Info;
Essentially, this command tells the database management system to perform these two separate
operations internally:
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