Information Technology Reference
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A similar framework is the model of the fi rm in its environment in Figure 2.7.
This diagram shows eight elements that exist in the fi rm's environment. The fi rm
is connected to the elements by resource fl ows of personnel, materials, machines,
money, data, and information. This model enables the developers to recognize
all of the environmental elements and consider their relationships within the
fi rm.
Figure 2.7
The firm in its environment
With this understanding of the enterprise and its environment, the developers
can turn their attention to the system and project at hand.
2.5.2 Define System Goals, Objectives, and Performance
System goals are conditions or situations of great business importance that are to
be attained. They are the reason for the project and take such forms as improved
responsiveness, increased quality, and improved decision making. System objectives
are more specifi c targets that, when achieved, should lead to accomplishment of the
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