Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2.1
Testing in the PDM
Type of testing
Preliminary investigation
Preliminary construction
• Static testing of requirements
• Static testing of all design documents
• Static testing of all codes
• Functional tests
• Performance tests
• Static testing of users guide, operators guide,
installation guide, and training material
• Performance tests
• Load tests
• User acceptance testing
• Installation testing
• Monitoring of operation and performance
within prescribed boundaries
Final construction
Postimplementation evaluation
We will now describe each stage of the PDM.
During preliminary investigation, the developers perform an enterprise analy-
sis. From this analysis the developers defi ne system goals, objectives, and
performance criteria. The developers evaluate system and project risk. Finally,
the developer evaluates system and project feasibility. The stage is completed
when the developers receive user approval of their fi ndings and recommendations
to proceed.
2.5.1 Perform Enterprise Analysis
As the developers seek to become familiar with the organization and its environ-
ment, two graphical diagrams can provide a framework. Figure 2.6 is the general
systems model of an example called the “fi rm,” which contains all of the required
components and fl ows of an organization functioning as a closed-loop, managed
system. The developers can ensure that all process components and data fl ows are
present and performing as intended. For example, does the fi rm have standards of
performance that managers are to achieve ? Another example, does information
fl ow directly to management from the physical system of the fi rm where the fi rm's
operations are performed?
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