Information Technology Reference
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The fi rst peak of defect detection was already seen during Preliminary con-
struction. The peak quickly falls off as Preliminary construction activity is curtailed
early to prepare for the Final construction development. A small period around Day
32-Day 36 shows minimal defect detection as the CPI development team goes back
into “design mode” for the new requirements and process fl ow redesign. Most of the
defects found during this period are static defects in the new documentation.
The defect detection rate increases dramatically starting with Day 38 as testing
begins on the new historical data entry screen and the redesigned process fl ow. The
higher peak of 32 defects during Final construction is more in keeping with previous
CPI experience and higher than the 20 defect peak discovered during Preliminary
construction. After the Final construction peak at Day 44, the rate of defect discov-
ery drops as expected.
In summary, the Final construction defect pattern looks much more like prior
CPI projects. Unless the regression testing during the last week of Final construction
uncovers drastic problems, Final construction will be completed successfully around
Day 60 as planned. When the CPI development team meets with DSA management
after Day 60 and presents the development and testing results, DSA accepts the
system and schedules the “go live” date the fi rst week of the next calendar month in
accordance with use case 11: DSA completion records—production cutover.
During the fi rst week of the next calendar month after Final construction, CPI installs the
new software system on all of the DSA workstations purchased and confi gured during
the Preliminary construction stage. The two workstations used as test environments
are included in the production software installation but are held back from production
by DSA at CPI's request. The intent is to use these two test workstations, now with the
full production loads, as a quick way to diagnose any problems arising in the critical
fi rst couple of weeks of production. Everybody crosses their fi ngers and DSA “goes
live.” Two weeks later, DSA and CPI declare the system fully in production based on
use case 11 production results and DSA management's own assessment. CPI testers
release the two test workstations to DSA for full production use. CPI developers are
scheduled to be “on call” until DSA has successfully completed a full month's worth
of data entry, certifi cate printing, backups, and master fi le updating. CPI testers are
scheduled to return in 3 months to do a postimplementation performance checkup to
confi rm that the performance objectives are still being met.
One month after DSA “goes live,” the CPI project team meets at the CPI offi ces
and conducts a “postmortem” or “lessons learned” discussion of the DSA software
development. The primary focus for the developers is the contributing factors to the
original process workfl ow design failure and how these factors might be avoided the
next time.
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