Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Sky-level use cases—DSA procedures to remain manual
Use case-01: DSA Roster Sign-In
Use case-02: DSA Roster Completion
Sea-level use cases—DSA procedures to be automated
Use case-03: DSA Roster Input
Use case-04: DSA Certificate Printing
Use case-05: DSA Certificate Record Searching
Use case-06: DSA Certificate Printing—requests for Duplicates
Use case-07: DSA Certificate Records—weekly Management
Use case-08: DSA Certificate Records—yearly Management
When the development team publishes the use cases, you compare the
requirements to your testing strategy chessboard and detect that none of the new
support system risks or requirements have been formally documented. You urgently
request the development team to draft an architecture design that captures the
known support system requirements. They comply with your request by drafting an
architecture design for the support system components.
13.3.3 Requirements Static Testing
You and your test team closely review each use case and the architecture design,
comparing them with the DSA manual procedures, DSA blank completion certifi -
cate, the DSA class roster, and the Preliminary investigation stage meeting results.
Your testing goal is to confi rm the completeness and correctness of each use case
individually, all use cases collectively, and the architecture design for subsequent
Design stage use. Once you complete the requirement static testing, you have cor-
rectly established the “S” (Specifi cation) in the SPRAE testing method as the basis
for all subsequent testing activities in this development project.
13.3.4 Using Static Testing Results to Correct
or Improve the Requirements
You and your test team carefully read and review all of the requirements documents
in static testing walkthrough meetings. During each meeting, you log which areas of
the requirements cause questions to arise among the test team. The questions may be
answered by clarifi cation from DSA management or the CPI development team and
no further action need be taken. The questions may be answered by the identifi cation
of needed requirement revisions. The questions may be answered by the identifi ca-
tion of needed new requirements. At the end of each meeting, you and your team
specifi cally think about and log anything you suspect is missing or incorrect.
The goal of the review meetings is to determine what, if any, changes are needed
before the requirements are considered valid for Design stage activity. You invite
the DSA management team, the CPI development team, and your test team to a
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