Information Technology Reference
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Performance test tool
Client running
the AUT
Functional test
tool executes here
Server(s) running
the AUT
Functional test
tool touchpoints
Performance test tool
executes here
Computers required for
performance test playback
Computers not required for
performance test playback
Figure 11.6
Test computer environment using both touchpoint paradigms
A s t e s t t o o l s b e c a m e m o r e c o m p l e x i n t h e w a y s t h e y w e r e u s e d a n d w h a t t h e y m e a s u r e d ,
there arose a need for the tester to be able to manage the test tools better. Tool vendors
addressed this tester need by developing a test tool that manages test tools. Examples
of the capabilities designed into these test management tools include
test script library management
test execution harness management
expected values capture from script recordings
actual values capture from script executions
Test script library management is the capability to store and retrieve test script fi les
by some k ind of naming convention and disk fi le structure. The source of the test scripts
can be an automated test execution tool record session or a manually prepared script
using some kind of text editor. If the test execution tool supports data-driven testing,
then the test script library management capability will also provide naming conven-
tions and disk fi le structures to store and retrieve the execution-time data fi les. Designs
used to accomplish test script library management vary from vendor to vendor.
Test execution harness management is the capability to launch the test execution
tools selectively for record and playback. Depending on the tool vendor's design, this
capability can be simple or elaborate. Simple test execution management is performed
by a sequential list that causes test script A to be executed, then test script B to be exe-
cuted, then test script C to be executed, and so on. The tester clicks some kind of “start
the test executions” button, and the harness dutifully performs the list of test execu-
tions. Complex test execution management adds alarm clocks and dependency fl ow
to the simple execution list. Alarm clocks allow the tester to indicate that the next test
execution sequence will start at 2 A . M . on Sunday so that the results can be reviewed
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