Information Technology Reference
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The fi rst draft of the use cases and the test cases have insuffi cient details to either
write code or execute tests at this time. Both do represent a roadmap to the additional
level of details needed for writing code and executing tests.
As the design phase of the software development project continues, details
become available that spell out how each actor can accomplish the use case
activities—menus, data entry web pages, data search web pages, report web pages,
printouts, databases for purchases, and so forth. As these details emerge from the
design work, the tester can identify the pieces that need testing individually before
they can be tested together, possibly implying more test cases.
An example of this individual piece testing would be the purchase web
page on which the customer indicates delivery information, billing informa-
tion, and method of payment. For the purposes of discussion, one web page is
assumed to collect all of this information. The purpose of the test case for the
purchase page is to rigorously test all of the data entry fields (delivery street
address), dropdown lists (state code and credit card), radio buttons (5-day
ground, second day air, and so forth), and any other buttons on the page. The
intent is to completely validate this web page before it is included in a happy
path test case. Figure 7.3 shows what the steps of the more detailed purchase
page test case might be.
Step no.
Expected result
Launch the purchase order screen
Screen appears
Enter purchaser name
Accept valid names
Enter purchaser address street
Accept multiple addresses
Enter purchaser address state
Select multiple states
Enter purchaser address zip
Select multiple zip areas
Select method of payment
Select check/credit card
Exit purchase order screen
Screen stops successfully
Figure 7.3
A full business path test case from use case
The more the individual web page validation that can be done before the
happy path and alternate path validation, the more successful the fi rst time path
tests will be. The other way to look at it is that if all of the individual web pages
work as advertised and one of the paths fails, then you can focus on the activ-
ity-to-activity interaction instead of asking which page might not be working
It is hopefully clear now that use cases are a powerful basis on which to develop
business path test cases. Use cases contain the business functionality to be veri-
fi ed. As each use case is refi ned by additional requirements and design detail, the
tester can leverage the more detailed use cases to develop detailed test cases for the
individual application pieces. Execution of the test cases then proceeds in reverse
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