Database Reference
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Finding all events for a particular host/date
Expanding on our “security audit” example, suppose we isolated the incident to a particular
server and wanted to look at the activity for only a single server on a particular date. In this
case, we'd use a query that resembles the following:
>>> q_events = db . events . find ({
'host' : '' ,
'time' : { '$gte' : datetime ( 2000 , 10 , 10 ), '$lt' : datetime ( 2000 , 10 , 11 )}
... })
The indexes you use may have significant implications for the performance of these kinds of
queries. For instance, you can create a compound index on the time-host field pair (noting that
order matters), using the following command:
>>> db . events . ensure_index ([( 'time' , 1 ), ( 'host' , 1 )])
To analyze the performance for the above query using this index, MongoDB provides the ex-
plain() method. In Python for instance, we can execute q_events.explain() in a console.
This will return something that resembles:
{ ..
u'cursor' : u'BtreeCursor time_1_host_1' ,
u'indexBounds' : { u'host' : [[ u'' , u'' ]],
u'time' : [
[ datetime . datetime ( 2000 , 10 , 10 , 0 , 0 ),
datetime . datetime ( 2000 , 10 , 11 , 0 , 0 )]]
u'millis' : 4 ,
u'n' : 11 ,
u'nscanned' : 1296 ,
u'nscannedObjects' : 11 ,
... }
This query had to scan 1,296 items from the index to return 11 objects in 4 milliseconds. Con-
versely, you can test a different compound index with the host field first, followed by the
time field. Create this index using the following operation:
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