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Deleting such an order, however, presents a problem. One approach is to use two non-atomic
db . orders . remove ({ '_id' : '1123' })
db . order_items . remove ({ 'order_id' : '11223' })
Of course, this can leave dangling order_items documents around if an exception occurs
between the remove calls, and other processes can end up seeing orphaned order_items doc-
uments ifthey happen toquerythat collection between ouroperations. Alternatively,wecould
reverse the order:
db . order_items . remove ({ 'order_id' : '11223' })
db . orders . remove ({ '_id' : '1123' })
Although this guarantees that we won't have “garbage” items in our database, it also intro-
duces the problem of having partially deleted orders, where some or all of the line items are
deleted but the order itself remains. A better approach is to simply embed the order items
within the order document itself:
// "orders" document
_id : '11223' ,
items : [
{ sku : '...' , ... },
{ sku : '...' , ... },
Deleting the order, then, is as simple as the single statement:
db . orders . remove ({ '_id' : '1123' })
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