Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2-2. “Pages” table
node_id text
Welcome to my wonderful wiki.
This is text that is about the wiki.
Table 2-3. “Photos” table
node_id content
… binary data …
In MongoDB, on the other hand, we can store all of our content node types in the same col-
lection, storing only relevant fields in each document:
// "Page" document (stored in "nodes" collection")
_id : 1 ,
title : "Welcome" ,
url : "/" ,
type : "page" ,
text : "Welcome to my wonderful wiki."
// "Photo" document (also in "nodes" collection)
_id : 3 ,
title : "Cool Photo" ,
url : "/photo.jpg" ,
type : "photo" ,
content : Binary (...)
queries on common fields shared by all content nodes, as well as queries for only a particular
node type. For instance, when deciding what to display for a given URL, the CMS needs to
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