Database Reference
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result = db . character . update (
{ '_id' : character [ '_id' ],
'gold' : { '$gte' : price } },
{ '$inc' : { 'gold' : - price } },
safe = True )
iif not
not result [ 'updatedExisting' ]:
raise InsufficientFunds ()
try :
pick_up_item ( character , item_id )
except :
# Add the gold back to the character
result = db . character . update (
{ '_id' : character [ '_id' ] },
{ '$inc' : { 'gold' : price } } )
character [ 'gold' ] -= price
db . character . update (
{ '_id' : shopkeeper [ '_id' ] },
{ '$inc' : { 'gold' : price } } )
Note that the buy() function ensures that the character has sufficient gold to pay for the
item using the updatedExisting trick used for picking up items. The race condition for item
pickup is handled as well, “rolling back” the removal of gold from the character's wallet if the
item cannot be picked up.
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