Database Reference
In-Depth Information
db . location . update (
{ '_id' : character [ 'location' ][ 'id' ] },
{ '$pull' : { 'inventory' : { 'id' : item_id } } })
While the preceding code may be for a single-player game, if we allow multiple players or
nonplayer characters to pick up items, that introduces a problem where two characters may try
to pick up an item simultaneously. To guard against that, we can use the location collection
to decide between ties. In this case, the code is now the following:
def pick_up_item ( character , item_index , item_id ):
'''Transfer an item from the current room to the character's inventory'''
item = item_index [ item_id ]
character [ 'inventory' ] . append ( item )
result = db . location . update (
{ '_id' : character [ 'location' ][ 'id' ],
'' : item_id },
{ '$pull' : { 'inventory' : { 'id' : item_id } } },
safe = True )
iif not
not result [ 'updatedExisting' ]:
raise Conflict ()
db . character . update (
{ '_id' : character [ '_id' ] },
{ '$push' : { 'inventory' : item },
'$pull' : { 'location' : { '_id' : item [ 'id' ] } } })
By ensuring that the item is present before removing it from the room in the update call, we
guarantee that only one player/nonplayer character/monster can pick up the item.
Remove an Item from a Container
In the game described here, the backpack item can contain other items. We might further sup-
posethatsomeotheritemsmaybesimilarly hierarchical (e.g.,achestinaroom).Supposethat
the player wishes to move an item from one of these “containers” into their active inventory
as a prelude to using it. In this case, we need to update both the character state and the item
def move_to_active_inventory ( character , item_index , container_id , item_id ):
'''Transfer an item from the given container to the character's active
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