Database Reference
In-Depth Information
<dd> {{value.head[0].description}} </dd>
{% endif %}
{% if value.hands %}
<dt> Gloves </dt>
<dd> {{value.hands[0].description}} </dd>
{% endif %}
{% if value.feet %}
<dt> Boots </dt>
<dd> {{value.feet[0].description}} </dd>
{% endif %}
{% if value.body %}
<dt> Body Armor </dt>
<dd><ul> {% for piece in value.body %}
<li> piece.description </li>
{% endfor %} </ul></dd>
{% endif %}
In this case, we want the various description fields to be text similar to “+3 wizard's hat.”
The context passed to this template, then, would be of the following form:
"head" : [ { "id" : ... , "description" : "+3 wizard's hat" } ],
"hands" : [],
"feet" : [ { "id" : ... , "description" : "old boots" } ],
"body" : [ { "id" : ... , "description" : "wizard's robe" } ],
In order to build up this structure, we'll use the following helper functions:
def get_item_index ( inventory ):
'''Given an inventory attribute, recursively build up an item
index (including all items contained within other items)
result = {}
for item iin inventory :
result [ item [ '_id' ]] = item
iif 'inventory' iin item :
result . update ( get_item_index ( item [ 'inventory]))
return result
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