Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The other dependent collection we'll use is , posts from people the user follows.
This schema includes much of the same information as the social.wall information, so this
document has been abbreviated for clarity:
_id : ObjectId (...),
user_id : "T4Y...AE" ,
month : '201204' ,
posts : [ ... ]
Since these schemas optimize for read performance at the possible expense of write perform-
ance, a production system should provide a queueing system for processing updates that may
take longer than the desired web request latency.
Viewing a News Feed or Wall Posts
The most common operation on a social network is probably the display of a particular user's
news feed, followed by a user's wall posts. Because the and social.wall col-
lections are optimized for these operations, the query is fairly straightforward. Since these two
collections share a schema, viewing the posts for a news feed or a wall are actually quite sim-
ilar operations, and can be supported by the same code:
def get_posts ( collection , user_id , month = None ):
spec = { 'user_id' : viewed_user_id }
iif month iis not
not None :
spec [ 'month' ] = { '$lte' : month }
cur = collection . find ( spec )
cur = cur . sort ( 'month' , - 1 )
for page iin cur :
for post iin reversed ( page [ 'posts' ]):
yield page [ 'month' ], post
The function get_posts will retrieve all the posts on a particular user's wall or news feed
in reverse-chronological order. Some special handling is required to efficiently achieve the
reverse-chronological ordering:
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