Database Reference
In-Depth Information
which parts of the document are common to all posts and which can vary. In this case, we
would store different data for a photo post versus a status update, while still keeping the
metadata ( _id , by , circles , type , ts , and comments ) the same.
Dependent Collections
In addition to independent collections, for optimal performance we'll need to create a few de-
pendent collections that will be used to cache information for display. The first of these col-
lections is the social.wall collection, and is intended to display a “wall” containing posts
created by or directed to a particular user. The format of the social.wall collection follows:
_id : ObjectId (...),
user_id : "T4Y...AE" ,
month : '201204' ,
posts : [
{ id : ObjectId (...),
ts : ISODateTime (...),
by : { id : "T4Y...AE" , name : 'Max' },
circles : [ '*public*' ],
type : 'status' ,
detail : { text : 'Loving MongoDB' },
comments_shown : 3 ,
comments : [
{ by : { id : "T4Y...AG" , name : 'Dwight' ,
ts : ISODateTime (...),
text : 'Right on!' },
... only last 3 comments listed ...
{ id : ObjectId (...), s
ts : ISODateTime (...),
by : { id : "T4Y...AE" , name : 'Max' },
circles : [ '*circles*' ],
type : 'checkin' ,
detail : {
text : 'Great office!' ,
geo : [ 40.724348 , - 73.997308 ],
name : '10gen Office' ,
photo : 'http://....' },
comments_shown : 1 ,
comments : [
{ by : { id : "T4Y...AD" , name : 'Jared' },
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